Water IS everything and water is IN everything. Surge UAE is making sure we all keep the importance of water in mind. Ahead of World Water Day 2019 on 22 March, the non-profit organization announced its new name: Water Alliance. Despite the rebranding, the goal remains the same: to raise awareness of the global water crisis. […]

“Our generosity is hard-wired to the reward mechanisms in our brains. When we give our time, energy and kindness to others, it not only helps them, it’s also great for our wellbeing too,” according to Action for Happiness, a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. Take Kazi Mannan, for example. […]

By Danielle Carpenter – According to UNICEF, “Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to undernutrition, translating into the loss of about 3 million young lives a year. Undernutrition puts children at greater risk of dying from common infections, increases the frequency and severity of such infections, and delays recovery.” Malnutrition can be […]

Water is the most precious resource we have. We cannot survive, let alone thrive, without it. Yet, we often don’t give it much thought and continue living as if we will never run out of this indispensable commodity. The recent events in Cape Town, South Africa have brought the issue more in focus. Surge has […]

Brazil’s prison population of 700,000 is one of the highest in the world. The occupancy rate has been estimated at 165%, with some cells so full that prisoners can’t lie down. Brutality, endemic violence and riots are common. The prisoners that leave the penal system are even more hardened criminals than when they entered the […]

The logistics company, Zipline, designs, manufactures and operates drones that deliver urgent medical supplies and other goods, such as vaccines or blood for transfusions. Health professionals in remote hospitals or health centers in Rwanda, where the company first tested its concept, order the medical products they need by SMS. The products, stored at Zipline’s distribution center, […]

It’s a simple concept. 4Ocean is doing a phenomenal job cleaning up the oceans using funds from the sale of its 4Ocean bracelets. According to 4Ocean’s website, the bracelet is made from recycled materials and “every bracelet purchased funds the removal of 1 pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines. In less than 2 years, […]


“We are outspoken about our optimism,” say Bill and Melinda Gates in their 2018 Annual Letter. “Despite the headlines, we see a world that’s getting better,” they continue. They point out that the world is “healthier and safer than ever”, that since 1990, the number of children who die every year has been halved, largely due […]

Young women in Pakistan, especially in rural areas, have few choices when their parents don’t have the money to pay school fees to continue their education: they get married so their husbands provide for them instead. One family from Shimshal, a village in the northern mountains of Pakistan, is trying to change that by bringing […]

Currently about half of the world lives without access to reliable energy to power their homes, meaning many people either have no access to electricity or they only have access for a few hours a day. This lack of energy means they have no way to power mobile phones, computers or televisions. Importantly, it also […]