Wow. That’s the reaction when reading the short profiles of the 26 social entrepreneurs who are the 2012 awardees of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. The Schwab Foundation’s press release lists some of the 2012 awardees: Veronica Colondam of YCAB Foundation (Indonesia), Ronald Bruder and Jamie McAuliffe of Education For Employment  (United States), Jane Hunt […]

In November 2011, EnACT, the International Trade Centre’s Enhancing Arab Capacity to Trade programme, gathered 40 companies from all 5 member countries to create better market awareness and enhance business opportunities among them. ITC experts created a business matching map and brought buyers and sellers together to discuss potential complementarities, sell to each other and […]

In April of 2010, The Good Times reported that mountain guides and directors of MatterhornNepal-GuideSource Treks & Expeditions Ltd (MNGS), RJ Fleming and Ang Kami Sherpa, were climbing Himalayan peaks to raise awareness of the plight of Nepalese orphans. Their goal was to expose the fact that one out of every 25 people in Nepal […]

In 2011, the EnACT programme in Algeria put a special emphasis on supporting the inclusion of women and youth in international trade, specifically focusing on raising awareness of Web marketing  and e-commerce solutions as affordable and efficient tools to conduct business through the World Wide Web, their benefits and their techniques. Jointly with the Ministry […]

Azad Foundation is challenging stereotypes in India. It is fighting discrimination against women and girls. The Foundation’s mission is “livelihoods with dignity for women.” Azad Foundation has reached into the slums of Delhi, recruiting young women to help them become breadwinners, while simultaneously giving them a profession, empowerment and confidence. It does this through one of […]

The International Trade Centre’s EnACT programme is working in Jordan to create sustainable economic opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by connecting them to international markets and non-traditional high-end buyers. In September 2011, three Jordanian handicraft manufacturers were introduced to the French market through a unique business meeting with the Louvre Museum in Paris. […]

Building on the strong relationship between Morocco and its European trading partners, the EnACT programme in the country is focusing on strengthening links between its leather suppliers and European brands. In Morocco, the leather sector is composed of microenterprises where women and youth make up 70% of the employees. The sector thus has the potential […]

The Maya Library and Leapfrog Scholarship promote the education of orphans at the Charis Center and Junior School near Kampala, Uganda. The project encourages reading and writing, and creates an opportunity for graduates to continue their studies in secondary school. Currently the Leapfrog Scholarship is sponsoring Lovisa, the first scholarship recipient, so she can continue her secondary studies […]

In Tunisia, the handicraft sector is benefitting from the EnACT programme to develop sales opportunities by reaching international buyers. EnACT is also advising the companies on how to adapt their products to new market trends and to meet statutory requirements (labelling, packaging, sanitary regulations, certification, etc.). Handicrafts companies working with the EnACT programme in Tunisia […]

Giving Women is a non-profit association based in Geneva. Its members support selected projects directed at women and/or founded by women. Village Exchange International-Ghana (the VEG Project) is one such venture. It aims “to improve the lives of women in poverty through a combination of income-generating activities, education, and financial services.” Specifically, the project promotes “the self-actualization of Ghana’s […]