The capacity to trade comes more easily to some societies, and parts of society, than to others. While all societies engage in some sort of trade, reaching out beyond community, village, state or country markets to tap into the wider regional and global markets can be a daunting task, and one that requires enhanced skills, […]

Egypt’s economy is the second largest in the Arab world, and the largest in North Africa. With a population of some 75 million people, it is also the largest Arab nation and the most populous country on the African continent. Its main exports are crude oil and petroleum products, cotton, textiles, metal products, chemicals and […]

Justin Grodman loves nature and hiking. He is on a mission to help inner city kids in San Francisco have the chance to enjoy nature through a fundraiser he describes below. “I am planning on hiking Mount Whitney next summer and am doing it through a Bay Area program called Climbing for Kids. It is the […]

The Harmony Program is a New York-based non-profit music education organization that “provides daily after-school music lessons to children from economically disadvantaged communities. Harmony’s unique model taps the city’s college- and graduate-level music students as teachers, training them to develop the talents of young people who would not ordinarily be exposed to music education.” The program is […]

It’s expensive to keep people poor!” Those are the words of Bill Strickland, CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporatio​n. His business aims “to create empowering educational environments for adults-in-transition as well as urban and at-risk youth, enriching Southwestern Pennsylvania and, eventually, the world.” In particular he has built the Bidwell Training Center in Pittsburgh, an adult career training institution that […]

Butterflies NGO

Who is building a world in which every child: Is loved and respected regardless of race, religion or caste Is fed and clothed and housed within a caring family environment Has free access to quality education and training in line with his or her abilities Has free access to quality health care Has free access to […]

Is there ever any good news from slums? Yes! In Rio’s famed favelas, law enforcement efforts are cleaning out the drug gangs, police officers occasionally take part in the outdoor activities of residents and children play in the streets in what used to be extremely dangerous neighborhoods. It’s been two and a half years since “police pacification units” […]

Job Factory provides job training to unemployed teenagers and young people in Basel, Switzerland and helps them find work, giving them hope and a second chance. No matter why the youths are jobless, so they do not begin their career on welfare, Job Factory offers six-month internships to approximately 300 young adults each year, in such areas […]

DoSomething calls itself the “largest org in the US for teens and social change.” The organization further describes itself as: “A driving force in creating a culture of volunteerism, is on track to activate two million young people in 2011. By leveraging the web, television, mobile, and pop culture, inspires, empowers and celebrates a […]

Founded in 1991, Phulki demonstrates how investing in on-site daycare services at the workplace, be it in factories, companies or government offices, can benefit working mothers as well as their employers. The organization was started in Bangladesh by Suraiya Haque as a way to allow disadvantaged mothers to breastfeed their infants while at work and gain […]