Butterflies NGO
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Commitment to Safeguard Children

Who is building a world in which every child:

  • Is loved and respected regardless of race, religion or caste
  • Is fed and clothed and housed within a caring family environment
  • Has free access to quality education and training in line with his or her abilities
  • Has free access to quality health care
  • Has free access to recreation and leisure
  • Has a voice and can speak out without fear of the consequences
  • Is free from exploitation and abuse
  • Is free from the direct and indirect effects of armed conflict and communal violence?

The NGO Butterflies is.  “Butterflies addresses the challenge of making the Convention on the Rights of the Child a reality, particularly of those children who are most vulnerable, neglected, abused and exploited. Butterflies is committed, within its mandate, to work towards solidarity among NGOs, Government and all Civil Society organizations for addressing the concerns of all children.”

According to its website, “Butterflies is a registered voluntary organization working with street and working children in Delhi since 1989.  We believe in the right of every child to have a full-fledged childhood where she/he has the right to protection, respect, opportunities and participation in his/her growth and development. Rights of street and working children are no exception.  Butterflies is committed to a non-institutional approach, follows principle of democracy and promotes children’s participation in decision making as part of its programme planning, monitoring and evaluation.”

Its aim is “to empower street and working children with skills and knowledge to protect their rights and to develop them as respected and productive citizens. We use the Constitution of India, Laws related to Children and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a major tool for ensuring government and public accountability for all.”

Help Butterflies and make a difference in the life of a child who needs care and protection.

Featured image: Butterflies website

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