Here’s one solution to a pressing problem facing the world: the lack of access to modern energy services. This young man, Jeremiah Thoronka, has developed a device that uses energy generated by pressure, heat and vibrations to create affordable and clean electricity. His company, Optim Energy, uses the energy that an object naturally has as […]

Protecting 30% of the Earth by 2030 is the goal of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. This intergovernmental group of more than 50 countries co-chaired by Costa Rica and France, with the United Kingdom as Ocean co-chair, aims to secure a global deal for nature and people that can halt the accelerating […]

The frontline of climate change and its devastating impact is now centered in Africa, in particular the Sahel region, located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. Ongoing conflicts due to the lack of resources, droughts and food shortages have made the region one of the poorest places on Earth and induced mass migrations […]
The farmer and environmentalist Pierre Rabhi promotes agroecology: “sustainable and productive farming practices that empower the most disadvantaged rural communities to achieve food self-sufficiency and economic self-reliance.” According to agroecology.org, this branch of science is: “The application of ecology to the design and management of sustainable agroecosystems. A whole-systems approach to agriculture and food systems development […]
This should catch everyone’s attention! Even Bill Gates is taking the time to point out some positive news. His list of top good news stories in 2015 includes the following: 1. Africa Went a Year Without Any Polio 2. Neil Tyson Made a Stunning Case for Science 3. Global Health Innovators Won the Nobel Prize 4. SAT […]
“11 August 2015 marks 1 year since the last wild polio case was detected on the entire African continent. A polio-free Africa would leave only 2 countries where polio transmission has never been interrupted: Pakistan and Afghanistan.” That’s the great news from the World Health Organization in its update: Africa advances toward a polio-free continent. On […]