With World AIDS Day quickly approaching, mothers2mothers created a new HIV/AIDS donation guide that offers tips on donating credit card rewards to a number of HIV organizations directly. mothers2mothers is an international non-profit organization dedicated to preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV by providing education and support for pregnant women and new mothers living with HIV. The “Guide […]

Crystals made of proteins help cure cancer Crystals made of proteins are revolutionizing cancer research and treatment. They are not the usual crystals found in nature made of minerals but are man-made in a laboratory. They are tiny, clear and colorless, barely visible to the naked eye. As they are also very fragile, they break easily. So […]

Did you know? 1 baby is born with HIV every day in the US and Europe. 1,000 babies are born with HIV every day in Africa. Yet mother-to-child transmission of HIV is preventable. The organization mothers2mothers (m2m) is doing just that, preventing mother-to-child transmission of the virus. m2m’s vision “is a world in which babies […]