Dr. Jack Preger provided free healthcare to more than half a million people on the streets of Kolkata for over 40 years. This British doctor’s mission is “to serve those most in need whatever their caste or religion,” according to Calcutta Rescue, the charity he established in Kolkata, India. Dr Jack started Calcutta Rescue in 1980 to […]

Mark Pollock is a motivational speaker, explorer and author. In 2016, The Good Times highlighted his efforts to help find a cure for paralysis. He himself is paralyzed from the waist down as the result of a fall from a second-storey window in 2010 and he’s been blind since 1998 when his retinas became detached. […]

Today, March 8th, we commemorate women heroes. There are too many to list, of course, but The Good Times will highlight a few inspirational women who have made a real difference or who have even altered the course of history. Over the next several weeks, we will draw special attention to the accomplishments of such […]