Tuesday, April 10, 2012 — The Good Times
Trekking and Climbing for Orphans in Nepal
It’s been two years since MatterhornNepal-GuideSource Treks & Expeditions (MNGS) officially founded the Education for Orphans of Nepal (EON) charity. Started in 2001 and completely funded by company profits, EON was legally registered in 2010 to allow anyone to contribute to the living and educational expenses of these Nepalese children without families. While MNGS still funds the majority of the costs, clients and friends now also donate and have allowed EON to grow to cover all of the living and educational expenses of 12 orphans now enrolled in Kathmandu boarding schools.
The MNGS business guides treks and high altitude climbs in Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and India, and mountain climbs in Europe, teaches rock and ice climbing, glacier courses, and guides hikes for private clients and corporations. For the second year, the World Economic Forum in Geneva has chosen to be the patron of MNGS’s 2012 Himalayan Climbs to further awareness of the EON charity and serve as an example of organizational social responsibility. This year, to further awareness of EON, the MNGS staff will again climb Ama Dablam and trek in Nepal to visit remote villages in search of other orphans needing the help of the EON programme. Anyone wishing to contribute to this ongoing effort can contact MNGS or EON at info@guidesource.com or at. Eonepal2001@gmail.com.