As much as 90% of traded goods worldwide are shipped by sea and 99% of cargo ships are powered by oil-based fuels. To change this pattern, the Danish shipping and logistics company Maersk has launched the first container ship fueled by green methanol, the Laura Maersk. Produced from low-carbon sources such as biomass, renewable organic […]

Celebrate International Joke Day: July 1st The good news is that it’s true: laughter brings about all sorts of positive things. It relieves stress, depression, and anxiety. It strengthens the immune system, boosts mood, and reduces pain. Laughing elicits a cocktail of hormones, releasing endorphins, which are chemicals that block the perception of pain and […]

In the quest to solve the plastic pollution crisis, organizations of all types are working on solutions. The Good Times has highlighted a few on these pages in the past, such as the Ocean Cleanup removing plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative to remove microplastics from water, bacteria that have […]

To start off the year with a bang, here’s a video from a similar-minded organization that celebrates some achievements in 2022. It includes information on the return of certain animal species after successful reintroductions throughout the world; agreement on a universal charging port standard for a whole range of electronic devices, such as mobile phones […]

Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration: How Drylands Can Be Greened What can double crop yields and provide building timber and firewood, fodder, and shade for livestock, as well as wild foods for nutrition and medication? And what at the same time can increase incomes and living standards for farming families and their communities, while leading to more […]

Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki gave a 13-minute TED Talk on the “brain-changing benefits of exercise” in March 2018 that millions of people have since seen. What she had to say – the result of her research and personal experience – bears repeating for the good of all. In sum, exercise is the most transformative thing that […]

A new tool has appeared in the last few years: NFTs. Non-fungible tokens are progressively being used effectively as utility tokens because more and more companies of all sizes are adopting them for various purposes. The fact that NFTs can represent digital files has opened a plethora of possibilities in terms of brand storytelling, for […]

An Indian engineer has invented a very quick waste segregator. The TrashBot sorts garbage into metals, plastic, and food waste. It can separate up to 200 tonnes of waste in one operating session, running for 24 hours non-stop, at a cost that is lower than dumping it in landfills. The TrashBot is described by its […]

How can you improve your immune system to better resist diseases and infection? Follow this effective, simple and evidence-based advice: Look after your skin. The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, contains a network of Langerhans cells that provide a physical barrier against infection. Because skin serves as the interface with the external environment, one […]