DayHappinessIn 2012 the United Nations designated March 20th as the International Day of Happiness by adopting UN Resolution 66/281.

Article 2 of UN Resolution 66/281: International Day of Happiness:

Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals, to observe the International Day of Happiness through appropriate awareness-raising activities.

This is what the UN proposes:

Do what makes you happy.

Smile, share, eat healthily, exercise, be grateful, give back, think positively, spend some time with friends and family, spend some time alone, be mindful, dream, listen to music, say thank you and mean it, compete, be charitable, say ‘all the more’ instead of ‘nonetheless’ – you get it. Do what makes you happy.”

Spread happiness.

While you’re doing whatever it is you do that makes you happy, don’t forget to do whatever you can do to make others happy! Happiness is contagious. A simple smile can make even a stranger’s day much brighter. You’ve seen the Coca-Cola commercial, right? It’s not a gimmick. Watch it; you will smile! Spread happiness.”

“Tell everybody.

There are more than 7,300,000,000 (that’s 7.3 BILLION+) people on this planet. Each one of them has the right to happiness, and not all of them know it. Tell them. Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and your boss – hold your government accountable for securing your happiness. Tell yourself, and remind yourself: happiness is a fundamental human right, and happiness for all is a fundamental human goal. Tell everybody.”

As quoted directly from the UN website, its goals are: 


for addressing the complex, interrelated challenges faced by humankind in the ultimate quest to achieve happiness.


the principles outlined in UN Resolutions 65/309 and 66/281, especially that happiness is a universal human right and goal. 


“The pursuit of happiness is serious business.” – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

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