As much as 90% of traded goods worldwide are shipped by sea and 99% of cargo ships are powered by oil-based fuels. To change this pattern, the Danish shipping and logistics company Maersk has launched the first container ship fueled by green methanol, the Laura Maersk. Produced from low-carbon sources such as biomass, renewable organic […]

Why is seaweed remarkable? After all, it’s just a vegetable that grows in the ocean and places like rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. It’s common, including countless species of marine plants and algae. Many types exist, classified as red (Rhodophyta), green (Chlorophyta), and brown (Phaeophyta) algae. Typical types of edible seaweeds include Wakame, […]

What has changed the lives of a whole bunch of people? A wild shrub with yellow flowers that grows like a weed in humid tropical areas. The plant, called Tithonia diversifolia, can be used as a fertilizer to increase cereal or vegetable yields. Made into “green manure”, its effects are equivalent to those produced by […]