Heman Bekele, skin cancer soap

This whiz kid is the talk of the town. When he was just 14 years old in 2023, Heman Bekele invented a cancer-fighting soap. It’s an affordable and accessible treatment option that could soon be a way to help treat skin cancers.  His background Born in 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Bekele moved to the […]

therapy dog and medical center staff countering cancer

More and more people are talking about all that dogs are capable of doing. They can be loyal and provide love and and companionship, and many are the sight, hearing, and mobility of individuals, or provide emotional support.  And dogs have even been used to predict earthquakes. One study shows that some dogs can detect […]

A cancer study sponsored by drug company GlaxoSmithKline has provided researchers with a surprising result: a 100% remission rate for the 12 participants. All of the study’s participants had a very specific type of advanced rectal cancer – mismatch-repair deficient colorectal cancer – that, due to its genetic traits, made it a good candidate for […]

Irène Joliot-Curie was a radiologist, activist and politician as well as the daughter of two of the world’s most famous scientists: Marie and Pierre Curie. Along with her husband, Frédéric, she discovered the first-ever artificially created radioactive atoms, paving the way for innumerable medical advances, especially in the fight against cancer. “Without the love of […]

Made up of sections of DNA, genes control the life processes of organisms, according to Nobelprize.org In 2012, American biochemist Jennifer Doudna along with French microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier developed “a methodology for high precision changes to genes. They used the immune defenses of bacteria, which disable viruses by cutting their DNA up with a type […]

Scientists are cloning antibodies taken from coronavirus patients who have recovered from the disease in an attempt to develop a treatment for the virus. The “monoclonal antibodies,” made from identical immune cells, could “provide an instant immunity boost against the virus,” according to an article published in Science. They could both “prevent and treat the […]

The French artist Aude Michon has been visiting the Gustave Roussy hospital in Villejuif, France for the last two years to dance for people with cancer, simply to brighten up their day. Aude Michon is a professional dancer who teaches Salsa, Bachata, Cha Cha and other Latin dances. She created the Elles Dansent association to […]

Studies show that animals have evolved mechanisms for protecting themselves from infection and illness. Did you know, for example, that chimpanzees eat plants not just for their nutritional value, but to ward off disease? This is important for humans because we share about 99% of our DNA with these animals, making them our closest living relatives. So instead […]

Bacteria can fight such medical conditions as cancer, obesity and diabetes, acne, and malaria. Each person’s skin and large intestine harbor a complex array of microorganisms, called microbiota, that affect many aspects of their health and physiology, the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions. Recent studies show that some of these bacteria […]

What we eat influences our health. But how much we eat does too.  Studies show that fasting, or even periodically adopting a low-calorie diet that mimics the effects of fasting, may generate a wide range of health benefits. These include increased weight loss, normalizing insulin sensitivity and even slowing down the aging process. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author […]