Today is World Cleanup Day. Volunteers in 150 countries will pick up trash from beaches, rivers, forests and streets.  Millions of people will “achieve incredible things by joining together”, starting in New Zealand and ending 36 hours later in Hawaii. According to the World Cleanup Day website, the event’s “beauty lies in cooperation and collaboration: […]

According to John W. McArthur, a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution who from 2002-2006 was Manager and Deputy Director of the UN Millennium Project, “the MDGs [Millennium Development Goals] have mobilized government and business leaders to donate tens of billions of dollars to life-saving tools, such as antiretroviral drugs and modern mosquito nets. […]

Everyone knows the power that football, also known as soccer, has on the world. Played in over 200 countries and watched by millions upon millions of fans, it’s considered the world’s most popular sport, according to Encyclopædia Britannica and leading experts on the subject. Harnessing this power, streetfootballworld is a global network of almost 100 organizations that use […]