Mark Pollock: trust factor (oxytocin) model

Motivational speaker, explorer, and author, Mark Pollock helps people all over the world to overcome adversity, in the UK and Europe, America, Asia, and the Middle East. Mark contributes the following: “Following years of research, Professor Paul J. Zak discovered that when a powerful neurochemical called Oxytocin is released into our brains, we’re more inclined […]

“Out of adversity comes empathy”. Out of empathy came the idea and implementation in Japan of an initiative to assist young people who survived the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that struck the country in March of 2011. That initiative is BEYOND Tomorrow. Begun in June 2011 just after the disaster, this scholarship and leadership programme is […]

The continuing civil war in Syria is considered one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. Estimates indicate that half the country’s pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Much emphasis during this crisis has been put on essential rescue efforts in the areas of […]

Deviating from our usual practice, here’s an op-ed from our editor-in-chief.  I recently came across this statement on LinkedIn: “Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve. It’s LEADERSHIP”. In a nutshell, that’s what The Good Times is all about. Finding the positive in life, and even in negative situations. As is often heard […]

Founded in 1996, Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) is a women’s empowerment organization specifically dedicated to peacebuilding in communities in Africa. It fosters and supports women’s initiatives in the resolution of conflicts in Africa and the respect of women’s rights. It also strengthens women’s leadership capacity to help them restore and maintain peace in their countries. […]

The YWCA’s mission statement is the following: “YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.” This grandmother of an organization – in 1855, the first YWCA was founded in London while the first chapter was formed in 1858 in the US – represents 2 million women, girls and their families […]